Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hello folks!

Thanks for all of you that have reviewed my blog and actually try to follow it and my musings.  I have been busy coming up with some new ideas to create interest and show the other side of the beauty of makeup.  So while I've been doing that, I have neglected this blog and I'm so sorry...

So moving on and upwards, I would like to introduce you to the hottest time of the season in Trinidad - CARNIVAL 2011...I must say that some of the recent pics that I had done alongside photog Arnaldo JJ superseded my expectations its here for you to review.

For the persons playing mas, check out the Ad and contact me via email or website...

Look out for some new work from me that I will be doing for both Bridal looks and some crazzzzzzzzzyyyy body art....

Signing out!!!