Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hi Folks!

So I'm back to quickly show off a couple pics of a bride and bridal party that was done yesterday. These ladies were a lot of fun, let me tell you, and kept the long hours very entertaining for both myself and my other Makeup Artist - Dalia Denny....even their uncle got in on the act of entertainment lol.

Anyhoo, here are the final pics of the wonderful ladies, and to Nekeisha, many happy blessings on your union with your now husband!!!

The makeup used was a combo of airbrush & conventional as serious acne coverage was required.  We just wanted to create glowing, flowing skin and of course, airbrush is the go to thing for that wish to come thru!

My photography skills are kinda decent (smile) but if you want to see some of the individual makeovers, go to my website : 

Signing Out!